Your organization is doing amazing things to help those in need. But no one will ever know if you don’t share it with the world.

By generating buzz around your organization, it’s mission, and the lives you’re impacting, you’ll be able to increase your visibility and giving potential.

Below are 3 tips for marketing your nonprofit for giving.

marketing your nonprofit for giving

3 Ways to Market Your Nonprofit

Promote Stories People Want to Hear

People like feel-good stories. They enjoy reading stories with happy-endings or watching videos about positive events. You can take advantage of this with storytelling.

Tell the story of your organization, what you’re doing, who you’re helping, why it’s important, and why more people should care. This will help people learn more about you while showing them how you’re impacting the world.

Your stories can be in a variety of formats, however video can make the most impact as it’s easily shareable on social media, quick to view, and can answer the above questions using interviews and on-screen text.

Get Your Board Involved

Your Board of Directors are your greatest supporters – wanting to do everything and anything to see the organization succeed. Request their help in sharing your stories. Through their connections, you can get in front of a different type of donor or audience.

Leverage Your Volunteers

Volunteers are also some of your best supporters. They work with you, for free, because they genuinely love what your organization is trying to do.

Ask them to share why they love working with you. Or at your next event, have them manage your social media channels, posting photos, status updates, live videos, etc. to get more people engaged and involved.

Your volunteers can make just a big an impact as your Board of Directors.

Capital Business Solutions is a financial and fundraising software solution company for nonprofit organizations. To learn more, contact Bob Schilling by calling (888) 249-6008 ext.110, emailing, or filling out this form.