The Charitable Giving Report is an annual release of fundraising trends and research for nonprofit organizations. According to Blackbaud, “the Charitable Giving Report has leveraged findings from The Blackbaud Index for many years now to provide the largest analysis of overall and online giving data anywhere in the nonprofit sector … to provide a benchmark for giving and help inform nonprofits’ fundraising strategies…”.

The 2015 information is based on data from 5,379 nonprofit organizations and more than $18.2 billion in fundraising revenue. The online fundraising information is based on 3,983 nonprofit organizations and more than $2.2 billion in online fundraising revenue.

2015 Charitable Giving Report CBS

Report Overview

According to the Report, overall giving in the United States grew 1.6% from 2014. Large organizations increased 1.4%, medium organizations decreased by 0.7%, and small organizations grew 5.5%, as compared to 2014.

The Report also stated that online fundraising increased 9.2% over 2014. Large nonprofits increased 9.6%, medium nonprofits increased 9.1%, and small nonprofits increased 8.3%, as compared to 2014.

Key Findings

  • Online donations on #GivingTuesday in 2015 were up 52%, compared to 2014;
  • Nearly 14% of online donation transactions were made using a mobile device in 2015;
  • 7.1% of fundraising comes from online giving;
  • Giving to International Affairs organizations increased 5.1%, the largest growth percentage by nonprofit sector in 2015;
  • Many nonprofit sectors saw double digit growth in online giving, including Environmental & Animal Welfare, Higher Education, International Affairs, and K-12 Education (* Higher Education saw the most growth, increasing 15.2% over 2014);
  • June is the second biggest overall giving month, with December being the most overall giving month;
  • April is the second biggest online giving month; with December growing 19% in online giving, showing the influence of #GivingTuesday;

Want to download Blackbaud’s 2015 Charitable Giving Report for yourself? Get your copy here!

In order for a nonprofit to be included in the summary, they need to have 24 consecutive months of complete giving data. They are then grouped by sector using their NTEE code as noted on their 990 tax return. Organizations are grouped into 3 size categories (small, medium, large) based on their total fundraising revenue, which is based on information in their fundraising system, their IRS Form 990, and matching through the National Center for Charitable Statistics. More info regarding how data is compiled and analyzed can be found in the full report.

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